The Economic Collapse and 2012 Predictions
The Energies Of Earth Are Changing
The energies of Earth are changing. This effects every living creature on Earth and we are living creatures. We may believe that things and events and circumstances are solid, or unchanging, but actually everything is energy and what we experience in our lives comes from our perception of that energy as it flows through our 5 senses. Without delving deep into astrology, astronomy, or quantum physics, suffice it to say that because a galactic cycle is changing the quality of the energy around us, our minds and bodies will as a result change their perception of how things, events, and circumstances are able to be experienced by us.
Life as we know it is changing.
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Mayan Calendar |
We Are Beginning a New Cycle
We are at the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. The Earth is lining up with the Galactic center and also entering the photon belt which it only goes through once every 26,000 years. To have both of these phenomenon happen brings the Earth's energy into a new dimension.
This phenomenon changes the physics of matter, and everything that was able to operate at a lower vibration or magnetic energy is collapsing because it cannot be supported anymore by the new incoming energies. Acts of greed and corruption and misuse of power that have been going on behind the scenes are now having the light of a higher vibration shine upon them and there is no place to hide. We see this on a world scale in such things as the economic collapse and also in our own lives as events and circumstances which are shaken loose and swept away, leaving us wondering what happened to our house, our job, our money, our partner, or our health . It helps to understand that what is happening is no more than an immense clearing of old energy so a new more purer energy can enter our consciousness and Earth‘s consciousness.
The information in the Mayan Calendar can help us profoundly in understanding what is going on with Earth at this time. Reading the link below on the Mayan Calendar will expand your knowledge and perceptions about your life and this era. The Mayans were somehow able to read the past and predict into the future to 2012 at which time their calendar stopped. That didn't mean human life was to stop, but that a cycle was coming to an end. It is amazing how correctly they pinpointed and predicted the energies of exactly what was going to happen now and how events have occurred so far to match their predictions. (See link on Mayan Calendar)
In the near future there will be much more clarity and light around questions and solutions of how we will live as a people, and how we will use and share the resources of our planet. There will be a dawning recognition that the planet that we live upon is alive and conscious of herself, just like we are. Her body is going through changes, and so are our bodies because we humans, collectively, are an organ of her body and sustained by it. These major changes coming to Earth have been set in motion by an Intelligence that is the Mind behind the Universe. The overall cycle is set, but that doesn't mean that how things turn out are preordained. It will be how the Earth and human beings act within the changing of this cycle that will be the determining factor in the outcome of the future.
We Are Living In Turbulent Times
Though general trends have been predicted, no one really knows how the future will come about. We have free will and have used it in the past to limit ourselves in fearful, violent, separating ways that have caused misery in many human lives on this Earth. We have hurt our ‘host being' by foolishly destroying her resources and by using man made chemicals to pollute her atmosphere. The religions that we have turned to for solace and direction have only made our sorrow deeper by making us feel we are lowly sinners, or tricking us to believe in religious causes that turn us into violent soldiers for our specific version of the truth. The misery these separatist religions have caused can be seen by past as well as current human history.
There cannot be peace on Earth until all religions come together and do not see their chosen way as the One way, but as one of many ways that we can come to see truth. Jerusalem and the Middle East is so important now and a hotbed of dissention and violence because all three major world religions claim it as the holy beginnings of their specific religion. The energy of the divisiveness of the thought that any one religion is superior to any other has its roots in that area, and until peace is made there, peace cannot come to the rest of the world.
We are living in turbulent times and the best way for us to get through them individually and as a whole is to drop grievances and judgments against individuals or groups. We must also drop feelings of superiority and entitlement, for our separate countries and nations as well as for our separate religions. Feeling our country is superior and entitled to more of the Earth's resources than other countries is not supported anymore. Neither is destroying the Earth to make material things we do not need. Manipulation by TV and computers as a method to brainwash us into acting in ways that serve the selfish purposes of a powerful elite, will not be possible as the average human gains a more enlightened ability to think for him/herself . We are not free, yet have been programmed to think we are.
Our Economy Is Collapsing
To see our economy seem to collapse is frightening, but what is more frightening is to believe that it can be put back together by the same thinking and the same people whose greed and corruption caused it. Now that we have the support of clarity and compassion in the incoming energies that are entering our space time continuum, we need not be afraid.
To realign our monetary system and rid it of corruption and greed requires that it be dismantled and bullt up again in a new and better way. A great new civilization has a chance to be born now, and we all must take part in it for we have been created with a singular purpose to do this, each with a unique part to play. That is why we are here at this time. It is truly a time to become extremely discerning and use intuition to seek truth without, and also to seek truth within to find information and guidance. Nothing is going to be the same as it was. We need to be able to flow with change and not let it frighten us, so we may find new ways of thinking and doing and being.
What Is Our Part To Play?
Now is a time to ask ourselves what our special talents are so that we may share them with others. It is a time to come together with others in our towns and communities and live in simplicity, renewing the joy of sharing, living as families and groups and not as separate people living all alone and not trusting each other. We must learn to communicate and co-create, not compete. In this way we can renew Earth's vitality and our own by finding wonderful new sources of power to provide new means of expansion which will take us beyond our wildest dreams.
It is said that Earth is on the cutting edge of our Galaxy and as we are able to turn chaos into harmony and order, so will we benefit other areas of our Galaxy and Universe as they will be able to profit from our successes. As a species and as individuals we are cutting energetic pathways for others to follow. We have chosen to be here at this time to do this.
We all are equal to the task, and will find much joy and satisfaction in the challenge as we seek opportunities to develop new ways of life. To do so we must change our perceptions and understand what is happening and not panic or hide in fear. There is to be a life of wider perception, increased connection among all peoples and living things of the Earth, and new systems of civilization based on equality and sharing and protection of Earth and her resources. No one will be in lack, as the order of the day is unlimited abundance. If we can hold to that vision as a people I am sure we can accomplish it.
We Are The Guardians Of Earth
Within our collective consciousness we are guardians of the human race and also of the Earth and all living things upon it. To fulfill our purpose we must be always aware and discerning, and not judge present things by the past, but rather seek solutions and recognize opportunities as they appear to guide us into new ways of thinking and being.
The recent economic house of cards was a structure built on deceit and greed and false promises. Any part we played in it has fallen and should be a wake up call for us. There have been many other wake up calls lately as well, but this one seems to have hit people hardest, which only shows where our values and hopes for the future have been lying. We used our net worth as a false god that we believed would save us but in the end it had no power. We need to drop our identification with material things, letting them serve us, instead of being slaves to them. We must stop using history as a guidepost to the future, since as the energies change so do the abilities and the possibilities of the human race. It is truly an amazing and wonderful time to stretch our imaginations and see what we can do. We must ready ourselves and be eager for new challenges, and work with new energies as they transform us and the Earth in ways that we cannot now foresee.
We Are The New Pioneers
As our forebears courageously cleared paths through the forests, not knowing the dangers ahead, yet physically pushing their way through the underbrush to make a new life for themselves, so we must do the same energetically, clearing mental and spiritual paths for ourselves and for those who follow us. We are the new explorers and the new pioneers and we have the same feelings of adventure and hope and vision that they had. In turn we may be called upon to suffer periodic setbacks as they did, until we get our bearings.
A wonderful new time is ahead of us and we should feel exhilarated and hopeful and eager. I trust that our human species has great heart and strong faith and that we will be given the proper tools and shown the right path to build ourselves a beautiful dream of the future.
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